ROS STUDIO is a Tokyo-based design studio founded in 2022. We pursue authentic design which even shows people’s behavior splendid, by observing the world extremely sensory and logic until they intersect with each other. In a space created through a profound design process, the sense of sight connects to the physical experience and remains deep in the memory. ROS STUDIO proposes thoughtful design which captures the heart of the people who spend their time in our space, and we offer the design to give them expanded sensation beyond shape, color, and texture.
有本 祐介Vice President / Designer
2022年4月、株式会社ROS STUDIO参画。
YUSUKE ARIMOTOVice President / Designer
Yusuke Arimoto was born in 1989 in Hyogo Japan. He is Director and Designer at ROS STUDIO. He holds Bachelor of Architectural Design from Kobe Design University.
Light after he graduated from the university, he started working for an architectural design firm, then he worked for an interior design office where he was in charge of designing any spaces such as houses, commercial
facilities, restaurants, and hotels. From 2017 to 2022, he worked for CURIOSITY where he contributed to various projects under Gwenael Nicolas. Joined ROS STUDIO in April 2022.
更谷 祐香President / Visual Strategist
2022年1月、株式会社ROS STUDIO設立。
YUKA SARATANIPresident / Visual Strategist
Yuka Saratani was born in 1986 in Nara Japan. She is Managing Director and Visual Strategist at ROS STUDIO. She holds Bachelor of Arts in Policy Management from Kwansei Gakuin University. After working as an Account Manager
at Shiseido, she found her passion in high-end design, and she worked for several global luxury brands’ headquarter as a Visual Merchandiser. She was in charge of VMD for dozens of stores in Japan and overseas and created
visuals for major flagship store openings and global projects. Founded ROS STUDIO in January 2022.